
Oh, hey, you made it. Chances are if you are visiting this website you already know what I’m about or you came from the Youtube channel.

I have never really had a site of my own; a place to post my work, a blog for my thoughts, a store, and somewhere to show people my real art work instead of just cups and bowls all day long. Art with a capital A instead of art with a little a, ya know?

Lets cut to the chase. There are tabs at the top of this page, some for the store (to buy the things I make from clay) some for my Blog (where I take inspiration from my every day life and make it into a story) and a place to post the work I am currently doing along with a little explanation. Lets not make it too complicated; you’re here to buy stuff, look at stuff, or read about stuff I make, all of that is to the left of you in the tabs.

One more thing, don’t worry about shipping, it’s all included in the price :)

  • Have fun :)


Just want to say hi :)


I found this rock outside

It’s my picture rock


I appreciate clay

If you form it, take care of it, put time into it, it will be beautiful and useful.

It gives you back the care and respect you gave it.


Attention: Shipping Prices included with item. :)

P.S for now we only ship in the U.S.A but as we get more comfortable with shipping we will go out of the U.S.